Export and Import Passwords on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

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April 1, 2024

Export and Import Passwords on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

I want to use a third-party dedicated password manager to save my passwords. How can I export saved passwords from Chrome, Firefox and Edge. Additionally, if you want to delete saved passwords in your browser, it's wise to back them up first in case of unexpected events. Furthermore, you may also need to import passwords into your browser sometimes. Is it a difficult task? Luckily, most modern browsers offer import and export features for users. Next, I will demonstrate how to export and import passwords on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

Export Saved Passwords on Browser

In this section, I will display how to export saved passwords on Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

Export Saved Passwords on Chrome

Step 1: Open the "Google Password Manager". Click on the three dots icon at the top-right corner of the Chrome. -> Move cursor to the "Passwords and autofill" option. -> Click on the "Google Password Manager" that appears.

open Google Password Manager

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" in the left sidebar and then select "Download file" button in the "Export Passwords" section.

Google Password Manager export passwords

Step 3: Choose a location for storing this CSV file containing passwords in the "Save As" pop-up window.

Step 4: Exporting saved passwords on Chrome is completed now.

Export Saved Passwords on Firefox

Step 1: Open "Passwords" tab. Click on the three stripes icon. -> Then click on "Passwords" option.

Step 2: Click on the three dots icon on the top-right corner of this page, and then select "Export Passwords" option.

Firefox passwords export passwords

Step 3: Select "Continue with export" option in the "A note about exporting passwords" pop-up window.

A note about exporting password

Step 4: Select a location to save this password file.

Export Saved Passwords on Edge

Step 1: Open the "Passwords" page by typing "edge://wallet/passwords" in the address bar of the Edge.

Step 2: Click on the three-dots icon at the top-right corner of this interface and then select "Export passwords" option.

Edge export passwords

Step 3: Select "Export passwords" option again in the pop-up window.

Step 4: Select a location to store the CSV file.

Step 5: You will find the CSV file in the desired location later.

Import Saved Passwords on Browser

This section will introduce how to import saved passwords on Chrome, Firefox and Edge to you. Let's take a look.

Import Saved Passwords on Chrome

You can import passwords from a CSV file or from other browsers, such as Firefox.

Import passwords from a CSV file

Step 1: Navigate to the "Google Password Manager" page by typing "chrome://password-manager/settings".

Step 2: Click on "Select file" option in the "Import passwords" section on this page.

Step 3: Locate the CSV file containing passwords you want to import, then select "Open" to start importing.

Tips: The CSV file can be generated by other browsers.

Step 4: After the import process ends, you will be prompted with "Import successful". Check the box labeled "Delete xxx.csv" to delete the CSV file from this window. Click "Close" to close the window.

Chrome import successful

Step 5: Congratulations! The import process is now complete.

Import passwords from Firefox

Step 1: Open "Settings" page by typing "chrome://settings" in the address bar of Google Chrome.

Step 2: Click on "Import bookmarks and settings" in this page.

import bookmarks and settings

Step 3: Select the "Mozilla Firefox - default release" option from the drop-down menu in the pop-up window. Then, check the box labeled "Saved passwords" to import them. Finally, click the "Import" button to start the import process.

import passwords from Mozilla Firefox default-release

Note: Before importing passwords from Firefox, make sure all Firefox windows are closed.

Import Saved Passwords on Firefox

You can also import passwords from a CSV file or other browsers. Now let's to see how to do it.

Step 1: Open "Settings" page by access "about:preferences".

Step 2: Select "Import Data" option in this page.

Step 3: Choose the import source from the drop-down menu. If you select a browser, you can also choose import items. Click on the "+" icon then select the items you want to import.

Note: The import source concludes all browsers installed on your computer and the CSV file.

Step 4: Click on "Import" to launch importing.

Firefox import from Edge

Tips: If you import passwords from a CSV file, remember to delete it later.

Import Saved Passwords on Edge

Step 1: Select "Import password" option in the step 2 on "Export Saved Passwords on Edge" section.

Step 2: Choose a import source form the "Import from" drop-down menu.

Edge import from

Step 3: If you choose a browser with multiple profiles, choose the suitable profile from the "Profile" drop-down menu.

Step 4: Select "Import" after configuring the import options or "Choose file", if you import from a CSV file.

Step 5: That's all operations about importing passwords on Edge.


Now you know how to export and import saved passwords on these browsers. Operations on other browsers are similar. While the process is easy to perform, it's important to keep the documents generated in the process safe. Remember to delete these CSV files after completing the related tasks.

Hope this article can be helpful to you.