How to Enable Hidden Windows 10 OOBE?

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December 21, 2023

How to Enable Hidden Windows 10 OOBE?

Some people may not know about Windows 10X’s existence because it was canceled by Microsoft. Windows 10 Build 20226/20231 has a similar OOBE design to Windows 11. There is a point where Windows 10X’s OOBE is the predecessor of Windows 11’s. In this article, we will take a look at the hidden, brand-new Windows 10 OOBE (Windows 10X OOBE).


• Windows 10 Build 20226/20231

This fire-new OOBE was added in Windows 10 Build 20226/20231 for users to customize their devices for intended usage. You should make sure that your system is Windows 10 Build 20226/20231. Newer Build version like Windows Build 21390+ don’t work.

• Download ViVeTool

You should enable the hidden Windows 10 OOBE with the latest from GitHub website. Otherwise, it may not work well.

download vivetool

How to Enable the Brand-New Windows 10 OOBE?

Step 1: Press Win + R and type “cmd” then hit the “Ctrl + Shift + Enter” buttons for administrative privilege.

run cmd as administrator

Step 2: Extract and copy the downloaded path. Back to the Command Prompt window, type “cd (vivetool path)”, for example: “cd C:\Users\Lin\Desktop\ViVeTool-v0.3.3” and hit Enter.

Step 3: Type “vivetool /enable /id:26336822” and hit Enter. Then, there will be a prompting “Successfully set feature configuration(s)”. Now that you have finished the ViVeTool setting.

enable windows 10x oobe via vivetool

Step 4: Press “Win + R” and type “sysprep”, then click OK.

run sysprep command

Step 5: Double-click sysprep.exe to install the System Preparation Tool. Select “Enter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)” and “Reboot”. Tick Generate and click OK to enter OOBE.

run system preparation tool to enter oobe

You will be pleasantly surprised to find that this version is a whole new OOBE that differs from the regular Windows 10 OOBE yet resembles the Windows 11 OOBE.

brand new windows 10 oobe